Thursday, October 18, 2012

What would happen if everyone cared?


  The truth is that we should stop being selfish and start caring about the others and with not only what is around us, but also what is far away from us.

It's funny, but the ants do what we should do and they do more than us. 
Which is sad, but is the truth.
They are small and they do small things, but together they do and have something  big.
  Because when we are together, helping each other, we are stronger than ever.

So the thing is that we should learn with the work of the ants, because they are organised and they work together for something bigger than themselves.

If we ask a classroom if they care about the others and what they have done to help the others I guarantee that 40% of the students, they will answer that they don't remember or they hadn't done anything good for the others.
That’s sad, because they are the future for tomorrow.

    so please lets work together for something bigger than ourselves.

Saturday, September 1, 2012





Economy now in days is a hot topic in the entire World.
Many countries are in crises, unfortunately many families lost their houses and their jobs.
And the countries are so in to wars, money and power, that they forgot one important thing which is: The Environment!
If the countries were more ecological for instance: save more energy, water and start to find eco fuels resources.
The World would be a better place to live, because they would forget for just one second to fight with others countries and they would be more focus in to save their on nations.
Because by fighting with other countries they are also ruining them selves, by spending a lot of money that could be used to better their nations: the system of health, the education, the security, the quality of life.
Wanted or not the economy and the environment are connected.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Be aware


Why? Why to ruin something so beautiful and that only makes good for us?

But it seems that is in the DNA of most people that is to ruin, to harm, to hurt and many other things to something so innocent and that is good for us.
 This only means that there are many people who are not smarts, because they are hurting them selves.
I can not stand to see people being so bad and simply spoil what God has done, only a person without any feelings, without conscience and without any sense would be able to do such a thing.
If you look at the countries you will notice that they would rather spend thousands of money in soccer and in runways on the fashion weeks, but don’t get me wrong I like fashion and I like soccer and all kinds of sports, but when people only care with those things and they don’t care about the environment, now that’s wrong.
Because a World without Nature is a World without oxygen, a World without oxygen is a World without people and a World without people is a World without fashion and without soccer, so please preserve what remains.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Heart of the Nature!

The Heart of the Nature!


    The Nature!
What can we say about the Nature?
We can say a lot of things about it, but does that really matter?
No, I don’t think so, because are words won’t change the World, but are acts will.
Are acts is in every where.
You may think that until you die the World will survive, but unfortunately this may not be true.
You just need to look around and then the true will be revealed don’t act like nothing is happening, because it is.
Please don’t be selfish, don’t waste what God has given to us.
Don’t think only about your self, but think about the future generations.

People prefer to spend more time with technology than with the Nature and you may respond that the technology does something and that the Nature does nothing.
And on the part of technology you are right.
The technology are taking place of people on their jobs, technology make people depending more and more, so they don’t do any thing else, technology are making people unsocial especially on the young generation, but not only, because the adults are being depended also, especially the single ones, because the dating sites and all sorts of bad things.
But the Nature is life and also gives life, it gives what to eat, it gives the oxygen that we need and all sorts of good things, so enjoy what The Lord has given to us, the Nature is to beautiful to be destroyed!

I personally was called to reality, because talking beautiful and writing about the Nature is very easy, and how many are currently doing the same?
And how many at this time are reading this?
But how many will at least water a plant, when getting out of the computer?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A beautiful creation: The Nature


          Many people only think about what they wear, what car they have, where to go, what to buy.
But they forget one of the most beautiful creations of God which is Nature.
If we stop at least one minute of our day to simply appreciate what God did and how beautiful it is certainly we wont do much harm to the Nature.
God gave us something so good that if we knew how to use it, we will not only take care of the Nature as our health also.
You may wonder what nature has to do with my health and you can answer that has nothing to do, but that's where you're wrong.
With the good and pure Nature, without burning, preserving forests,
you will have more oxygen, because with the burnings and deforestation you will have less oxygen and without oxygen how can a human live?
But not only these two examples that are bad, there are also things we do day-to-day that are harmful as the waste of energy, water, food and others.
So we should think less in material things and start thinking and enjoy the wonderful things that God has done, does and will do.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Earth is in our hands

                                     The Earth is in our hands

                   The Earth is in our hands, so we need to do what we had to do in first place,  not only to help the Earth, but also to help ourselves.
                                      Here it follows some things that you can do:

1-Plant a tree.
2-Replace incandescent lamps with cold.
3-Use the stairs more.
4- walk more.
5-Using more public transportation.
6-Purchase of wooden furniture demolition or certified.
7-Decrease the time in the bath.
8-Close the faucets and shower when not in use.
9-Lights out environments where there is no one.
10-Do not leave appliances on or in "standby".
11-Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator and "freezer" and avoid unnecessary opening and closing.
12-Separating trash for recycling.
13-Never throw batteries, electronics or similar with regular trash.
14-Seizing the light of day to the fullest.
15-Paint the walls of home or work environment with bright colors.
16-Use more ventilator than air conditioning.
17-Do not waste food.
18-Decrease consumption in general, avoid buying on impulse.
19 Adopt-a simpler lifestyle.
20-Making donations of clothing, furniture or objects that are still in good condition for use.
21-Use creativity reusing products in general.
22-Use reusable bags for purchases.
23-Use solar power when possible.
24-Regular the car to control greenhouse gas emissions and consumption.
26-Stop smoking.
27-Never throw garbage in the streets, beaches, rivers, parks, etc..
28-Whenever possible buy products from companies involved in actions for sustainability.
29-Keep informed on issues related to environmental preservation, sustainability and environment.
30-Assist in the process of awareness of people to practice sustainability initiatives, especially the younger generations.

A natural smile


A natural smile

The Nature have given to us so many gifts:

A smile with the sun when we wake up
A breeze from the beach so we could feel fresh
A good night with the moon when we go to sleep
A shadow with the trees so we dont get too much sun
And so much more

 But I have a question for you
What are you doing for the Nature?
You may say nothing, but you are wrong

Here it follows some examples of what you may be doing right now:

Wasting water, when there is so many countries with no water
Throwing food away, when so many people is dying of hunger
Killing forests and by doing this you are taking the oxygen off
Wasting electricity by having many devices on, even if you are not in the place at the time

My request to you is that you open your eyes and see what is happening!