Thursday, October 18, 2012

What would happen if everyone cared?


  The truth is that we should stop being selfish and start caring about the others and with not only what is around us, but also what is far away from us.

It's funny, but the ants do what we should do and they do more than us. 
Which is sad, but is the truth.
They are small and they do small things, but together they do and have something  big.
  Because when we are together, helping each other, we are stronger than ever.

So the thing is that we should learn with the work of the ants, because they are organised and they work together for something bigger than themselves.

If we ask a classroom if they care about the others and what they have done to help the others I guarantee that 40% of the students, they will answer that they don't remember or they hadn't done anything good for the others.
That’s sad, because they are the future for tomorrow.

    so please lets work together for something bigger than ourselves.