Thursday, August 23, 2012

Be aware


Why? Why to ruin something so beautiful and that only makes good for us?

But it seems that is in the DNA of most people that is to ruin, to harm, to hurt and many other things to something so innocent and that is good for us.
 This only means that there are many people who are not smarts, because they are hurting them selves.
I can not stand to see people being so bad and simply spoil what God has done, only a person without any feelings, without conscience and without any sense would be able to do such a thing.
If you look at the countries you will notice that they would rather spend thousands of money in soccer and in runways on the fashion weeks, but don’t get me wrong I like fashion and I like soccer and all kinds of sports, but when people only care with those things and they don’t care about the environment, now that’s wrong.
Because a World without Nature is a World without oxygen, a World without oxygen is a World without people and a World without people is a World without fashion and without soccer, so please preserve what remains.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Heart of the Nature!

The Heart of the Nature!


    The Nature!
What can we say about the Nature?
We can say a lot of things about it, but does that really matter?
No, I don’t think so, because are words won’t change the World, but are acts will.
Are acts is in every where.
You may think that until you die the World will survive, but unfortunately this may not be true.
You just need to look around and then the true will be revealed don’t act like nothing is happening, because it is.
Please don’t be selfish, don’t waste what God has given to us.
Don’t think only about your self, but think about the future generations.

People prefer to spend more time with technology than with the Nature and you may respond that the technology does something and that the Nature does nothing.
And on the part of technology you are right.
The technology are taking place of people on their jobs, technology make people depending more and more, so they don’t do any thing else, technology are making people unsocial especially on the young generation, but not only, because the adults are being depended also, especially the single ones, because the dating sites and all sorts of bad things.
But the Nature is life and also gives life, it gives what to eat, it gives the oxygen that we need and all sorts of good things, so enjoy what The Lord has given to us, the Nature is to beautiful to be destroyed!

I personally was called to reality, because talking beautiful and writing about the Nature is very easy, and how many are currently doing the same?
And how many at this time are reading this?
But how many will at least water a plant, when getting out of the computer?